Honeybees are an important part of our lives and their continued existance is extremely important to everyone. The honeybee ensures that we have a multitude of healthy foods to eat through their natural act of pollination. Everyone is aware that bees provide honey, most people have purchased at least one jar while grocery shopping. But what most seem to forget are the other benefits from bees, such as bees wax and raw pollen.
Sadly the wild honeybee is on the decline in North America, a victim of poisons and natural pests. What can be done to help the honeybee in our area? The answer to that question is the beekeeper. You can reach me through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We provide the following services:
Swarm Capture:
When the weather starts to warm up in the spring each year, some bees will start thinking about a new home and will start making new queen cells.When these queens hatch, the old queen will leave the hive with roughly half of the worker bees and go in search of a new home, this is when most people will see honeybees.
A swarm can be the size of a baseball all the way up to the size of a basketball, even larger at times.
What should you do if you see a swarm of bees? Do not spray them with poison of any kind!! Contact a bee keeper, such as myself. We will come out to the swarm, determine the best method to capture it, put it in a hive box, and safely move it to a bee yard. We will provide an environment where honeybees can do exactly what they were meant to do, be honeybees.
Hive Removals:
Honeybees will live in just about any empty space where they are protected from the elements. This include inside of old hollow trees, under mobile homes, in the walls of houses, just to name a few. Some people have been known to attemp to block the entrance of a hive, this raely works and honeybees are very persistant creatures. And if you are successful in blocking the entrance and they bees die inside the walls of your home, you will just have number of problems in the future. They honey left in the wall will attract a number of pest such as mice and roaches.
If you notice bees coming and going from an area around your home, leave them alone and call a bee keeper. Many bee keepers will come out and determine the best way to remove the hive and assist you in making sure future swarms do not return.